

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I can't think of a witty title for this post

Seeing that it is already mid- January, I'd like to post about goals. No, I am not the New Years Resolution type. Frankly, I think that the concept of making resolutions for the New Year is dumb. Why do we need a specific day to make resolutions (that most of us hardly keep) for an entire year? Shouldn't we take each day to look for ways to better ourselves, and set smaller, more realistic and attainable goals that we can accomplish everyday? At least, that's what I think... I try and use each day to better myself. But to be truly honest, this really only happens in my training. Making each swim stroke better than the last (seeing videos of my wonky hand/arm position has really helped this) and focusing on keeping stable running and bike forms are just some of the thoughts that go through my head when I am training. Sometimes it gets frustrating when I can't find a quick fix to the problem. For example, my b-e-a-u-tiful run form and my shoulder/arm/hand position in swimming, when I see videos of my form and the obvious problems I get a bit mad at myself that I can't suddenly change the problem. Luckily, I am working with my awesome chiropractor and coach, and we are taking the slow but sure road of fixing these form issues. Already I feel as though my running is in a better place and things like hill repeats are now starting to get a bit better because I have developed some strength in areas like my hips/glutes to help me through. I am happy to spend my 20min a day to go through my hip series and back exercises because I know that it is helping me become a better athlete. When I first started the hip series in November I could barely get through 5 repetitions of each movement before my legs were shaking uncontrollably... now I'm up to 10 reps of each!

Going back to what I wrote earlier about goals and resolutions, yes I do have them- but they are more like a set of goals that I have had for years on end. I am hoping that by the fall of 2013 I will have accomplished my biggest goal of competing in a half ironman. I've always wanted to race longer distances, and I have it stuck in my head that the 70.3 will be the perfect distance for me. I've never had any desire to race ITU or any draft-legal triathlon. I'd much rather ride my cervelo in a non-drafting setting. So, now that I am 20 and a bit more developed of an athlete I've decided that I can safely compete in the 70.3 distance without wrecking havoc on my body. After talking with coach Noa about plans for my upcoming race season, we decided that trying out the distance in the fall would be a wise idea. I will be staying in Victoria for the summer, taking one or two courses, working (if anyone has a job for me, please contact me!!!!) and racing. I am going to race most of the Subaru Tri Series events starting with the Shawnigan Lake Triathlon on my 21st birthday. I'm aiming to have solid races this season and improve over all three disciplines. Another huge goal for me is to stay injury free. After having to sit last summer out due to my neuroma, being sidelined is the last thing I want. I am doing all I can to recover properly after workouts and prevent little nags from becoming huge issues.

Until next time-

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